Having a helping hand is always a good idea. However, make sure that the domestic help you are hiring is dependable. 请人帮忙也是个好方法,只是要确定你找来的人很可靠。
The working week may be much longer, with more than 60 hours common, but a majority of women in Bric countries had shoulders to lean on using family members or paid domestic help. 女性每周工作时间可能更长,超过60小时很常见,但金砖国家大多数女性有肩膀可以依靠,靠家庭成员或收费的家政服务人员的帮助。
The survey is based on costs of over 160 items ranging from food and clothing, to domestic help, transport and utilities. 该调查基于160多项指标的统计数据,包括衣食、家政服务、交通和公用设施的花费。
The later talks about the holdback Likin produced to the export of domestic goods and the help the import got. 后者则论述了厘金抑制国内商品出口及利于外国商品输入的作用。
The unenviable task of preparing it would inevitably fall on the women folks, assisted by their domestic help for those who could afford them. 准备一顿丰富晚餐的工作,当然是落在家中女成员的身上,比较富裕的家庭则可能有佣人帮忙。
Beijing hopes domestic shale gas could help China reduce its dependence on imported coal and oil and make it more energy self-sufficient – much as the shale gas revolution has done in the US. 北京方面希望,国内开采的页岩气可能帮助中国减轻对进口煤炭和石油的依赖,提高中国的能源自给自足程度,就像页岩气革命在美国取得的成就那样。
What was the biggest domestic policy issue you help President Bush solve? 您帮布什总统解决的,最大的国内政策问题是什么?
According to a recent report in Nanfang Daily, there are at least two housework service centers in Guangzhou that supply Filipino domestic help to residents. 根据南方日报最近的报道,在广州至少有两家家政服务中心为顾客介绍菲佣。
An invigorated domestic economy will help promote socialism without affecting its essence. 对内搞活经济,是活了社会主义,没有伤害社会主义的本质。
One example is what Americans call concierge services& domestic help, childcare, gardening and decorating. 美国人所谓的家政服务―做家务,带孩子,修剪花木,居家装饰―即为一例。
China Eastern has said Singapore Airlines would be a stronger partner than a domestic airline to help its international expansion. 东航曾表示,在帮助其进行国际扩张方面,新航是比国内航空公司更强有力的合作伙伴。
A broader-based domestic defence sector would help reduce China's reliance on Russia, which has over the past decade supplied it with its most impressive weapons platforms. 基础更广泛的国内国防工业将有助于减轻中国对俄罗斯的依赖。过去10年来,俄罗斯一直向中国提供其最令人印象深刻的武器平台。
Officials say knowing the facts about domestic violence may help save lives and end the cycle of violence. 官员认为,了解家暴的真相将有助于解救更多生命,并且遏止家暴的恶性循环。
Others would rather use their money for travel, sports, or in some other way instead of paying high American wages for domestic help. 还有一部分人宁愿把钱花在旅游,运动或其他活动上,他们也不愿花高额工资雇人做家务。
To offer house lease service for transferable personnel in your company or individuals as well as to offer senior nurse and domestic help for foreigners. 为您的企业或个人提供人员调动的涉外房屋租赁,涉外高级保姆及家政服务。
She has little time for economic policy advice from across the ocean, such as the notion that Germany, like China, needs to drastically boost its domestic demand to help re-balance a lopsided world economy. 她没有多少时间听取来自大洋彼岸的经济政策建议,比如,和中国一样,德国需要大幅刺激内需,以帮助失衡的世界经济恢复平衡。
A Research on Island Transit Taxes System in Late Qing Dynasty and its Social Unfavorable Influences; The later talks about the holdback Likin produced to the export of domestic goods and the help the import got. 晚清厘金制产生的年代及其社会危害研究后者则论述了厘金抑制国内商品出口及利于外国商品输入的作用。
Ultimately, relatively robust expansion in domestic spending should help most Asian economies to keep growing faster than the rest of the world. 最后一点是,相对来说内需的提振会使亚洲经济体能够比世界其它地区增长的快一点。
In the United States, the voices and actions against domestic violence are high and are increasing and have created more ways for women who experience domestic violence to seek help. 在美国,反对家庭暴力的呼声和行动日益增强,为家庭暴力的受害妇女提供救济的途径越来越多。
Officials hope higher wages will increase domestic consumption and help China become less reliant on low-cost manufacturing, exports and investment for growth. 官员们希望,较高的工资将增加国内消费,有助于中国在增长方面减轻对低成本制造、出口和投资的依赖。
They can beggar each other by chasing the export markets that remain, or they can stimulate domestic consumption, and help the global economy even as they help themselves. 他们可以角逐剩余的出口市场,使彼此沦入贫困,或者他们可以刺激内需,在帮助自己的同时帮助全球经济。
Assist delivery& acceptance procedures of the property when lodging in and moving out, introduce domestic help and Offer water and electricity maintenance service ( charge for material cost); 协助入住和搬出时的物业交验手续,代为介绍家政服务,提供水电维修服务(收取材料成本费用);
For overseas professionals, this combination of low taxes and cheap labour ( for everything from taxi rides to domestic help) make Hong Kong a kind of expat heaven. 对海外专业人士来说,这种兼具低税收和廉价劳务(从出租车到家政服务等各种劳务)的环境,让香港在某种意义上成为外派人士的天堂。
Tariff barriers, import quota and subsidies are the measures most in use for one country to protect its domestic market and help national businesses withstand the competition of foreign competitors. 关税、配额与补贴是一个国家用来保护国内市场、帮助国内厂商抵御国外对手竞争的常用措施。
Domestic institutions can help to overcome the common problem the defection problem of international cooperation to increase the credibility of commitment through delegation, checks and balances, and transparency. 国内制度被认为可以帮助解决国际合作面临的一般性问题:违约问题。
Based on the frame of SWOT analysis, domestic funds own the advantages of their familiarity with the domestic market and the help of the government, but also have the disadvantages on standard methods on investment and management. 根据SWOT框架的分析,本土基金具有熟悉国情、政府扶植等多方面的优势,但同时也在运作的规范性、投资理念的科学性等诸多方面具有劣势;
Cultural marketing can not only make our enterprises prevalent in domestic market but also help them overcome the difference of the national cultures and succeed in the international market. 文化营销不但可以帮助我国企业在国内市场独树一帜,还可以帮助企业克服文化差异,在国际化经营中占据一席之地。
Using FDI can make up the domestic shortfall, help enhance export competitiveness, accelerate the industrialization process, promote industrial upgrading. 利用外资不仅可以弥补国内的资金缺口,而且有利于增强出口竞争力,加快工业化进程,推动产业结构升级。